This Week's
Upper Labia Anatomy Wallpaper
belongs to
the long-time singer and 'once in a civilization'
Cultural Phenomenon...
...Mick Jagger!...
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
This Week's
Upper Labia Anatomy Wallpaper
belongs to
the long-time singer and 'once in a civilization'
Cultural Phenomenon...
...Mick Jagger!...
This Week's
Upper Lip 'Swang'
belongs to the
24-time Major League Baseball All Star, Rookie of the Year,
660 Home Run Hitting, 12-time Straight Golden Glove Winning, and
over-the-shoulder catching, 'Say Hey Kid,'...
This Week's
Upper Labial Rich Spot
belongs to the illustrious
Lawyer, Jurist, and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States...
This Week's
Upper Labia Anatomy Example
belongs to
one of the Most Well Known, Controversial, and Truth-Telling Comedians ever...
...Katt Williams!...
This Week's
Upper Lip Artwork
belongs to...
the Highly-paid Actress and Celebrity Influencer,
...Scarlett Ingrid Johansson!...
This Week's 'Let's Put Plant Science To Good Use' Configuration belongs to... Prominent Botanist, Chemist, Agricultural Sc...