Upper Lip 'Sophisticatedness'
belongs to...
Award-winning Stage and Screen Actress, Model, Singer,
Social Activist, Philanthropist, and more...
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
Upper Lip 'Sophisticatedness'
belongs to...
Award-winning Stage and Screen Actress, Model, Singer,
Social Activist, Philanthropist, and more...
This Week's
Upper Lip 'Knockout'
belongs to...
...the Scaple-sharp Boxer, known as the 'The Surgeon,'...
This Week's
Upper Lip 'Underwater Vortex''
belongs to...
the Most Total Olympic Medal-Winning and Gold Medal-Winning Swimmer,
who also broke many Aquatic Swim Times on his way to
the Record Books, and businessman, and more...
...Michael Phelps!...
This Week's
Upper Labial 'Sky Hook'
belongs to
ten-time WNBA All-Star, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist,
Scoring Champion,
Voracious Shot-Blocking Leader, and more...
...Brittney Griner!...
This Week's 'Let's Put Plant Science To Good Use' Configuration belongs to... Prominent Botanist, Chemist, Agricultural Sc...