Friday, March 7, 2025

The Mid-Upper-Lip...elatus labialis wingeulus...Of...George Washington Carver!


This Week's

'Let's Put Plant Science To Good Use' Configuration

belongs to...

Prominent Botanist, Chemist, Agricultural Scientist,

and College Professor

who developed methods to prevent

soil depletion, and learned how to enrich

farming topsoil by rotating nitrogen-rich crops, 

and pioneered the use of natural 

pesticides and natural fertilizers,

and who made more than 

three hundred products from the peanut,

including dyes, medicines, cosmetics,

cooking oil, salad dressing, caramel,

peanut chocolate fudge, paints, soaps, peanut butter, 

and even more from pecans, sweet potatoes, and 

other vegetables

and so much more...

...George Washington Carver!...

This 'Most Mysterious' 

part of the face 


'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'


'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'

(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species  

approx. 300,000 years ago).

For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.

The Mid-Upper-Lip...elatus labialis wingeulus...Of...George Washington Carver!

  This Week's 'Let's Put Plant Science To Good Use' Configuration belongs to... Prominent Botanist, Chemist, Agricultural Sc...