This Week's
'Came Down From Heaven' Labial Manifestation
belongs to...
the Civil Rights Pioneer, Preacher,
and Family Man,
who tried to make life better
for Black People, and later for all people, through
nonviolent resistance against political and economic
repression, who also won the Nobel Peace Prize
for fighting against Hate with Love, who mobilized
Marches and Boycotts to right societal wrongs,
and became an International Martyr after being assassinated for
planning a Poor Peoples March on Washington, D.C. in 1968,
where everyone who showed up, didn't have to leave until they
were promised dignified employment,
and so, so much more...
part of the face
'Nature's Mark Of The Blessed,'
'God's Sign on his First Powerful Ancient Warriors'
(Originating from the newly-proposed Ancient East African Humanoid Species
approx. 300,000 years ago).
For all Photos and Gifs seen here, no copyright infringement is intended.
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